We love what we do and above all, we love listening to you.
It was by analyzing the story behind each and every of our client and talent that interesting reasons for disruptions have transpired, even during trial periods. Indeed, it was often because there was a gap between the perception the candidate had about of the company and/or the role and the reality of the position.
One of the main causes is that the importance of a detailed brief from a company to a headhunter is underestimated. Of course, part of our job is to promote a company and to sell a position, but our expertise is also to do it in a proper way. Can we speak about a company to the outside world if we have no clue about the atmosphere and the culture inside this very same company?
As it is paramount for us to understand your company’s DNA and to precisely define the type of profile we are looking for, we designed the deep dive session concept to assess, by ourselves, your company culture so as to feel, live and perceive the company from inside.
This will help us to get an idea of who you are, to determine what kind of profile would correspond to your specific needs, to find the right fit and to promote properly your company as if we were part of it. The evaluation of the right talent for you company based on our perception could not be better designed than during the deep dive session.
The concept is simple: we immerse ourselves in your environment and spend time with your employees, from the receptionist to the line manager. We familiarize ourselves with your core company culture and eventually the subtle cultures or subcultures within the different teams that may exist in the larger group.
This approach allows us to grasp the essence of your company and tailor our search to guarantee the best hiring for the team in a long-term perspective. In fact, we take into consideration the candidates’ retention rate within a new company as a key factor to measure a successful hiring.